Can you travel for 7 days across Europe with Red Bull as your only currency? ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 👟 🎒

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How it works

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How to apply

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Event Details



Teams will earn points on their journey in 3 ways: Completed Checkpoint Challenges, Social Score, and Completed Adventure List Challenges.


02If you can't make it

Making it all the way across Europe is no easy feat, and there may be some teams that can’t complete the task. If a team decides they can't make it, they can either break into their emergency envelope to use their personal funds to get to Berlin, or contact Central Command who will arrange for the team to be transported back home. Serious violation of the Terms & Conditions, Code of Honor, or the law can result in a team being disqualified from Red Bull Can You Make It? In this case, the team will be responsible for their own transport home immediately.

03Code of Honor

During the event, teams can be disqualified for violating the Code of Honor, which consists of the following rules:

  1. 1

    No use of money. You are not allowed to earn, accept or use any form of currency other than Red Bull.

  2. 2

    No use of personal or borrowed mobile phones, computers, tablets or other devices except for the officially supplied event device.

  3. 3

    Teams must use the officially supplied event device to upload photos, videos and other content along their journey and track their progress.

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    No use of frequent flyer miles.

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    No pre-organized modes of travel (e.g. arranging a friend to drive you to Berlin).

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    No severe sabotage of the other participating teams.

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    Act in accordance with the legal boundaries in each country you visit. If unsure, please contact Central Command for clarification.

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    No parting of the team at any time. All traveling and all Checkpoint challenges must be completed as a threesome.

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    Each team must visit a minimum of 6 Checkpoints.

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    If a team breaks one of these rules, they will be disqualified. The respective team will be responsible for its safe return back home.

04Terms of Participation

Read a full breakdown of the event rules, detailed scoring and entry requirements for each team.

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